celebrates its 12th birthday today! A big THANKS to generations of college students who have ordered books and college gear, followed our blog, and spread the word about eCampus! Out of gratitude to you guys, we’ll poke a little fun at ourselves.
This was eCampus in its humble beginnings…
Sleek interface, eh? Check out the link that says –Romance (not Sex)–, it’s a matchmaking site run by eCampus before the days of OKCupid. There are some things you just have to love about the 90s.
You’re welcome, OKCupid. 😉 used to proudly purvey VHS tapes, office furniture and the CD ‘Nellyville’ to name a few things that have since left our inventory.
One thing that hasn’t changed over 12 years is our commitment to EASY, FAST and CHEAP. We are not going to lie to you, goldfish don’t typically live for 12 years, so we are on Gilley #2, but quite frankly Gilley II is much more energetic and better fits the philosophy of, easy, fast and cheap. Find out more about how Gilley became our mascot here:

eCampus looks forward to serving college students for as long as you’ll have us around. Thanks again!
I’m reading Organizational Behavior