Don’t stress about getting into college! Applying to university doesn’t have to be stressful, and following these steps will help you through the process from…
Graduation Checklist
Graduation is coming up, and there’s plenty to be done! With all of the excitement to come, there’s no better time to prepare than right…
Everything You Need To Know About Final Grades
The end of the semester is quickly approaching, and with it comes final exams and grades. After pulling all-nighters and cramming until your brain is…
College Waitlists Explained
With college decision deadlines, there are a lot of choices to make as a student. However, the most important decision–what school you will attend–may be…
Best Dorm Room Plants
Whether it’s a simple hobby or just a way to decorate your dorm, keeping dorm plants can be hugely rewarding as a student. Gardening is…
Grants for College Students
College expenses can be rough, especially when you are not prepared for them. But if you don’t have the ability to cover the costs of…
Tax Tips for College Students
You’ve probably heard a lot about taxes—the concept is hard to escape. But details on what exactly “doing taxes” involves are hard to come by…
Booktok Reads – Fantasy Novels Tiktok Made Us Read
If you’ve found yourself on Tiktok in the last year, you’ve probably found yourself down booktok at some point in time. Even if you didn’t…
Adulting Series Part 4 | Resume Writing
Composing a resume is just one step in pursuing a job, but it’s just as important as the other steps. Nailing an interview is important,…
Adulting Series Part 3 | Smart Shopping for Students
Shop smarter, not harder! Now that you’re in charge of your own shopping, it’s best not to overcomplicate the process. Rather, knowing the ins and…
Tips for Transitioning To Spring Classes
As winter break comes to an end, it’s time to say goodbye to binge-watching Netflix all night and sleeping in all day. It’s time to…
Craziest College Traditions
For a lot of people, college is a time in life that offers some pretty crazy and unique traditions. Many college traditions are universal across…
Fun Winter Break Activities
With winter break fast approaching, and already here for others, the question, “What should I do at home during semester break?” arises. Or rather, “What…
Good Places to Study and Do Homework
Studying can be one of the greatest factors of a student’s success. Your study habits are integral to your academic success. And where you study…
How to Balance College and Work
For most students, attending college is both a time-consuming and costly endeavor. Many students are forced to work a job simultaneously in order to pay…