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Social Media 101

Almost everyone in America is active on some sort of social media site these day, whether it’s updating statuses on Facebook, following celebrities on Twitter, or uploading videos on YouTube.

People interact with each other and companies via social media all the time now from everywhere…you can’t escape the world of social media!

In August 2010, Facebook topped Google to become the top online destination. Facebook users, on average, spend about 30 minutes on Facebook per each visit. Americans as a whole spent 41.1 million minutes on Facebook in August 2010 (compared to 39.8 million spent on Google).

Twitter released a statement last month reporting that they now have over 200 million active accounts, pretty impressive for a company that’s only 3 years old! The average number of tweets sent per day is 140 million, but it varies according to big events. For instance, on March 11, the day of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, over 177 million tweets were sent in a single day!

Now for some info on everyone’s favorite viral video site, YouTube. The most popular YouTube video to date, Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance,” has been played 185.39 million times! The site itself exceeds over 2 billion views a day.

That’s a lot of impressive statistics, and those are just the 3 most popular social media sites! Other sites like Reddit, Digg, Yahoo Buzz, and Fark are gaining popularity as well, but new social networking sites pop up each and every day. So what do you think? Which social networking sites are your favorite? How do YOU use social media?

I’ll leave you with an interesting video on the power of the social media revolution:
love always,




I’m reading International Marketing

(sources: Huffington Post,,

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