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Missing College Life?

Some of you may be recent alumni, pining for a kegger or two to relive your college days. Others may just be current students who are stuck living at their parents house for the summer and following curfews and doing dishes for the first time in months.

Whether you’re a recent grad, or just home for summer break, I’m sure you’re missing the college life! I graduated 2 months ago and have recently started a new job. Sure, the pay is great and it’s nice to never have any more homework or studying to do, but I’m definitely having some college withdrawals!

There’s nothing that compares to living on a rowdy street near a college campus surrounded by other kids your age. There’s always a party going on just around the corner, or a game of beer pong taking place in the apartment next door. Sure, you made time for going to class (and reading your textbooks!), but the college atmosphere and the lifestyle are the best part of those 4 years (or, in my case, 5) and they are the things you will miss the most. It’s also difficult after graduation, because all of my friends went different directions. Some of my friends got jobs in their home towns, and others have moved halfway across the country for grad school.

So if you’re missing college life as much as I am right now, here are some tips on how to cope:

Well, there are just a few suggestions on how to relive the glory days of college (or to just survive the summer with your parents). Hope they’ve been helpful! Feel free to leave some comments with any more suggestions!

Have a good one,



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