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Fun Winter Break Activities

With winter break fast approaching, and already here for others, the question, “What should I do at home during semester break?” arises. Or rather, “What can I do?”. This year is not like previous years. With travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines, celebrations and activities will have to be much different to ensure your safety and the safety of others. And because of the changes that need to be made, many people are left wondering how they will spend their time.

So, what can you do during your winter break? How can you make this holiday season as fun or productive as possible? Whether you’re at home with family and friends or flying solo, here are some activities to ease your boredom this season.

Pass the Time

Winter days can pass too quickly and feel endless at the same time. Use the time you have to do things you enjoy, or just pass the time.

Binge Watch TV

A lot of good stuff has come out during 2020. Since the start of quarantine, streaming platforms have been releasing a steady flow of shows and movies to keep viewers entertained. You can use your free time to catch up on TV shows, or watch the new shows that will be released throughout December. 

Catch Up On Reading

Do you always plan on reading but never have time? Do you buy books just for them to sit on your shelves? Well, there’s never been a better time to catch up on your reading! Dust off your old books, or check out this year’s new releases, and dive in!

Play Board Games

Chess has been extra popular this year, and with the extra time to learn, you can become a master in no time!

Build a Snowman

Don’t miss out on outdoor winter fun! If you live somewhere cold and snowy, go out and play in the snow! Build snowmen and forts, have snowball fights, and go sledding. And when you’ve had your fill of the cold, come back inside for cocoa and cookies to warm up!

Get to Work

For most, the break comes with a whole lot of free time, which can be hard to come by for students. So why not use this opportunity to cross some things off your to-do list and get ahead?

Buy & Sell Your Textbooks

This time between semesters is a good opportunity to resell old textbooks and buy the new ones you’ll need for the spring semester. You can even get started on the January term by starting your reading early. Buy and sell on today!

Look for a Job

Full-time or part-time, a job during the break or for the spring semester can be a good way to make money and use your time.

Update Your Resume

A good resume can be key to landing the job you want! If you’re looking for a job, or just want to be prepared for the future, update your resume. You can even try gaining new skills to build your resume by enrolling in online classes, getting certifications, or independently developing those skills.


Get into an exercise routine, no gym required! With businesses and public places closed, gyms included, it’s easy to go stir crazy in the house. Exercise can be a good way to release energy and stay healthy. You can exercise from home through workout routines, yoga, pilates, and more!

Get into the Holiday Spirit!

Holiday wonderlands may be closed this year, but that hasn’t stopped the celebration! There are still plenty of fun winter activities you can do at home with family and friends.

Try Out DIYs

It’s the most wonderful time of the year–for DIYs! Making low-cost DIYs are a great way to decorate and fend off boredom and are entertaining for people of all ages. This season try out a new wreath, or maybe even these DIY Snow Globes from Martha Stewart and more for simple holiday and winter fun!

Seasonal Treats

On a cold winter day, there’s nothing better than hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows) and gingerbread cookies. If you want some seasonal treats and holiday cookies, try your hand at baking and buy loads of them. Don’t find yourself without seasonal treats to snack on or you’ll regret it until next December!

Zoom with Santa

Santa meet and greets haven’t stopped, they’ve gone virtual! Since kids can’t meet Santa in person, companies have come up with the alternative to video call Santa on platforms like Zoom. Parents and guardians can set up a meeting and kids can chat with Santa or Mrs. Claus virtually. This new set-up keeps the magic alive and may help younger children understand the post-covid precautions in a fun way!

Join Operation Santa

Santa can get busy during the holiday season and can’t attend to all of the letters he receives. That’s where you come in! When a child sends a letter to Santa Claus, USPS posts them on their site for “Operation Santa.” USPS allows you to adopt a child as Santa and help these kids and their families have a happy holiday by standing in for Santa Claus!

Be sure to connect with us @ecampusdotcom on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook for more resources, tips, and some great giveaways! And when it’s time for textbooks, has you covered for all your course material needs at savings up to 90%!

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