Does this post even need an intro? Well-timed naps are like… sweet ambrosia to a man who’s been in the desert for a week. Like a cool breeze in the dog days of summer. Naps are a single flower blooming in a wasteland. Basically, they are the shizznit. Get some.
- Sunglasses are your friend when it comes to napping, but they won’t earn you any friends in the class or with your Professors. You will probably look like a jerk, but at least you’ll be a very well rested jerk.
- Make a comment so the teacher knows you’re there. The more intelligent the comment the better, and answer the no-brainers too, so they won’t call on you later.
- Try slumping in your seat and propping your head up by putting your elbow on the armrest and shielding your eyes with that same hand; like you would if you were shielding them from the sun. Use notes as a prop or a laptop. It’s not totally discreet, but it’s not super obvious either. Professors understand that sometimes students are tired but will appreciate if you show up and show some discretion.
- Sit in the back and wear a hoodie.
- Set a silent alarm on your phone for the last ten minutes or so of class—when your professor is likely going to summarize what he’s said.
- Don’t go to law school. I hear they do a lot of cold calling.

Happy napping!
I’m reading Legal Environment of Business