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How to Find Summertime Monday Motivation

During the summer, it can be so easy to be swept away without a care in the world, but we still can’t escape the Monday blues! You know that feeling of sadness mixed with anxiety that tomorrow is coming and you can’t do a thing about it? Some would assume that in the summertime as a college student, we have so much less to worry about. I often wonder if our parents have forgotten what it was like to be a college student. Having to take summer classes or finding a job are a few struggles we deal with that can ruin our summer break.

Lucky for you guys, I have a few tips that can help keep us sane this summer and help us remember that even though we may have work or classes to take- we still can enjoy our time off. Here’s how to find your summertime Monday Motivation!

Prepare and Plan Early

It is never too early to get ahead of the Monday blues. Sometimes getting a head start on the week can decrease the stress and anxiety of all the list of  things that need to be done.

Make Plans

When Monday comes back around, try to make plans with friends so you have something to look forward to. Going out to dinner with friends or grabbing drinks with coworkers after work can make Monday a little less unbearable and something that can get you through the day.

Positive Reinforcement

One thing that definitely helps me on Monday is simply wearing an outfit that makes me feel confident. Finding one thing that will change your mood, whether it is wearing favorite shirt or listening to an upbeat song can make more of a difference than you think.

Accept It

Sometimes I think we have such a negative view on Monday’s because of how we were raised. Why does Monday have to be so bad? It’s just another day in the week and it too shall pass! Before you know it Monday will go by, then Tuesday, then before we know it, it will be Friday and the weekend can begin. Simply changing how attitude can make the day go by faster as well.

If all else fails, there is nothing a cup of coffee can’t fix.

Monday Motivation- Coffee!

Comment below and tell me how you find Monday Motivation!

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