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CWK: Juggling Multiple Jobs

While on the train to New York City, my laptop is out and I’m writing articles, not for the job I’m going to, but for writing jobs out of Lexington and San Francisco.  California isn’t even awake yet, but my editor will have another article in her inbox before her morning coffee.  Lexington is probably awake but the posts aren’t even due for another week.

Journalism collegians, just like most other majors I can imagine, have so much on our plates.  We need to work for our degrees, work for our bank accounts, work for our resumes, work for scholarships for school and balance some sort of social life so we don’t end up having a mental breakdown (which might happen anyway).  Don’t forget to add family life and workouts into the mix!  

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So how do we keep everything straight?

Planners and white boards, calendars and post-its, alarms and Word Docs, organize, organize, organize.

In writing, it is difficult to keep editors and writing styles straight, especially when working for some liberal companies and some conservative ones.  That’s something you don’t want to mix up.

The best way to keep everything in order is to simply pay attention.  You may be juggling fifteen things at once but always doing one thing at a time and thinking each task through to completion will keep everything in order.

Good luck, and just remember that the days of juggling essays, tests, quizzes, part-time jobs and college life is just around the corner!

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