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5 Things I Wish I Brought to College

As August approaches and summer winds down, you can’t help but think of the upcoming fall semester. Don’t forget to add these items to your list to make your dorm life a little bit easier.

1. Earplugs: Your motto may be “early to bed, early to rise” but that may not be the case for your neighbor. Stock up on disposable earplugs to get through raucous nights and studious nights alike.

2. A small vacuum: Apartment dwellers will easily remember to bring along cleaning supplies but if you’re living in a dorm, this may not be at the top of your list of priorities when you’re making your packing list. A vacuum or broom will come in handy more often than you might think.

3. Water purifier: Rather than stocking up on bottled water, try bringing along a small purifier to keep in your room. Be sure to bring at least one washable cup along as well. Bonus: It’s much more environmentally friendly!

 4. Storage and Organization: It can be easy to overlook things like pencil cups but having an organized room makes a huge difference especially during stressful times. Don’t forget extra storage bins for under your bed as well.

5. Printer: Many colleges have free printing but don’t underestimate the convenience of being able to print a paper at 3am. Printing everything on your own can get expensive quickly though so make sure you’re using it only when it is completely necessary.

What did we forget? Tell us about your overlooked dorm essentials in the comments below!

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