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How to Reduce Your Stress During the Holidays

reduce your stress

Its that time of year when your stress can reach an all time high. On top of studying for
final exams, the holidays are just around the corner. So here are some tips for how you
can reduce your stress around this demanding time of year.

1. Plan ahead
When it comes to your finals, plan out a schedule for what subjects you will study and
when this will happen to give yourself time without rushing and stressing out.
For the holidays, plan out what gifts you are going to buy for each person and write
down which stores sell the item so you are not running around last minute.

2. Make it enjoyable
While you study, play some non-distracting music to lighten to mood.
When you go shopping for holiday gifts, take a friend with you and make it a fun day or
if you go by yourself- buy yourself something to reward yourself.

3. Give yourself breaks
Don’t study for so many hours straight to the point where your brain is overworked give
yourself a small break and try to regain focus on your task.
Preparing for the holidays takes a lot of time, so take break to let yourself regain

Hopefully these helpful tips will help you reduce your stress this holiday season. Cheers!

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