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I Just Graduated College… What Do I Do Next?

It’s finally here! After years of hard work, you’ve graduated from college and earned your diploma, proving to the world that you have what it takes to finish a degree at an accredited institution. You’re ready to take on the world — or so you think — but now comes the hard part: figuring out what to do next after graduating from college? Here are some essential steps to help you through your new life as an alumnus and ensure that you have a bright future ahead of you.

Don’t Panic

Take some time to celebrate and breathe. Although you may feel pressured to rush into your next endeavor, it’s important to give yourself a moment to let it all sink in and really reflect on what you’ve accomplished and what you want to accomplish post college. 

Even though it may feel like a step backward, moving home after you finish college isn’t the end of the world. It might seem like everyone around you has landed their dream job and is entering the “real world,” but not having a plan right after you finish college is actually more common than you think. It’s okay not to have it all figured out right away. 

Finding a Job

A college degree is a great asset to have when looking for jobs. It not only offers you more opportunities, but it makes you an attractive candidate because companies want someone who has put in time and effort to get educated and invest in themselves. But just having a degree isn’t always enough to land your dream job – make sure you are doing everything you can to attract potential employers.

It’s also important to keep in mind that just because you have a degree, doesn’t mean you will get a managerial or higher-level job right away. Many college graduates start their careers in entry level jobs in order to gain work experience. 

Consider Internships

Internships are a great way to get into a company and test out whether you’re interested in working there. They can also boost your resume and help you understand more about a field before committing to a full-time role. Look for opportunities with companies that interest you so that you’ll be more motivated. If you’re still unclear on what career path to take, consider doing an internship or volunteering with several different companies before jumping into one that seems promising.

Network with People Who Can Help

This may be obvious, but it’s worth repeating. Knowing that you have a network of contacts in different industries can help alleviate any concerns you may have about finding a job. Also, keep in mind that internships and co-ops are great opportunities to make connections before you graduate. The more people you know before you need them, the better your chances will be when it comes time to look for a job.

Ask Yourself – Do I Really Want to Work in This Field?

Ask yourself why you’re pursuing a particular career path and if it’s what you really want to do. Many students feel pressured to follow a specific path, or they choose an expected major based on other people’s recommendations or what they believe is practical. If you aren’t truly passionate about your career goals, start exploring new options so that you have options later in life.

Take Some Time Off

During college, your time was mostly taken up by classes and extracurricular activities. After graduation, you have a little more freedom to travel and take some time off before you figure out what you want to do next with your life. Many new graduates find that they’re content working part-time jobs while taking some time to travel and work on personal passions in their free time.

It is also common for college students to take a gap year after they have graduated. A gap year can be spent applying for graduate school programs or simply just taking time to reflect on what you have learned and what it is you want to do next.

Explore New Options

Have you considered being a consultant or freelancer instead of entering into a full-time job right out of college? Don’t be discouraged if your original plan didn’t pan out. There are many other options available to you. Evaluate what your skills are and begin exploring new ways to make use of them in your career field.

Be sure to connect with us @ecampusdotcom on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, & Facebook for more resources, tips, and some great giveaways! And when it’s time for textbooks, has you covered for all your course material needs at savings up to 90%!

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