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Dating on a College Budget

In college you’ll most likely find yourself lower on money than ever before. Typical dinner and a movie dates might be out of your newfound budget. There are many ways that you can still be entertained and have a great time on a date for FREE.

Most schools allow their students to attend their sporting events either free or on a discounted price. Going to a game together is a fun environment if you’re a sports fan. It’s easy to talk and be yourself while bonding over school spirit. Many universities also allow their students to attend their schools theater productions either free or on a discounted price. This environment is cool because it’s different and theater is often romantic as well.

If you find yourself with a really nice day ask your date to take a walk with you. A walk through a park on a nice day is free and leaves you with a lot of time to talk. If you’re hungry pack a picnic and enjoy the sunshine. If you find yourself with a nice night, take your date to lay out and watch the stars. Nothing is more romantic and this is always free as well.

If the weather is not so nice, create a date at home! Rent a movie from a local Redbox, it only cost $1.00. If there are no Redboxs in your town, just pop in a DVD you already own. Put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and cozy up to a movie away from the nasty weather. Movies at home are sometimes better than the theater because it’s just the two of you. If you have a kitchen, you could cook a meal together, or you can cook one for your date. My boyfriend and I have made cookies together before when it’s snowy and we’re stuck inside. If you want to create a dinner for your date, a good idea is Chinese food. Homemade fortune cookies are fairly easy to make and you can put your own personal messages inside!

Another thing you can do is keep your eyes open in the community. There are always art shows, farmer’s markets, musical performances (in coffee shops, bars, or even on the streets) that are free and open to the public. If money has been holding you back from taking your honey on a sweet date, now you have no excuse! Get out there and have a wonderful time, it’s priceless.

-Speedy G.

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