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College Back to School Checklist

The Important & Obvious

Financial Aid

You definitely need to have your finances sorted before you begin taking classes. For many, this means financial aid. If you haven’t already applied, you can file as early as October, and applications are usually accepted through June 30th of the year you plan on attending. 

We did a full breakdown of FAFSA basics here.

Start Date

It helps to know when classes start, but it is different for every school. For most schools, Fall semester begins anywhere from mid-August to early September. To know your exact start date, you’ll want to visit your school’s website. You don’t want to miss your first class!


Studies show students who actually have textbooks perform better in college. Don’t wait until you’re already attending class to order textbooks. If you wait too late you will pay more, miss assignments, and get lower grades. Ordering textbooks early will save you money and hassle. Did we mention that we sell textbooks cheaper than anywhere online? 

Get your textbooks now!

Have you already waited too long to order textbooks? Then try an eTextbook. We can get you a digital copy in just 24 hours.

The Necessary


In case you’re unfamiliar, clothing is defined as items worn to cover the body. One of the most important (and forgotten) clothing items in college is flip flops. If you plan on living with roommates, in dorms, or using shared bathrooms, flip flops are essential to keeping your feet clean to and from the shower, among other things.

Other college clothing essentials include:

The Stationary

You never know what kind of college projects are going to require random stationary. Here is a list of items that are most commonly used to complete college coursework.

Go ahead and order these now so you can check them off your list:

Now, Go Get Ready for School!

Of course, this isn’t a comprehensive list that will be perfect for every student. If you’re going to medical school, for example, you’ll want to bring that rubber hammer they use to hit knees with. But this should be enough to get you started.

Now that you have some idea of what to get, stop reading this blog post and start getting ready for school, ya hoodlum! If I have to tell you again you are grounded
Be sure to connect with us @ecampusdotcom on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook for more resources, tips, and some great giveaways! And when it’s time for textbooks, has you covered for all your course material needs at savings up to 90%!

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