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Best Pets for Renters

Wanting a Pet is Normal

It may be hard to tell this reading through rental listings on Zillow, but having a pet is exceedingly normal. In fact, 67% of US households own a pet. Having a pet in a rental unit does have a few other considerations, such as potential to damage the property and forfeit a security deposit. More than that, you need to make considerations for the animal, such as: Do I need access to a wide open area or dog park?

Here are some of the best pets for renters:

Pro Tip: Dog parks can be great, but not having one close by shouldn’t be a deal breaker. Many small and medium sized dogs do just fine as long as they can be walked on a leash at least once or twice a day.

Here are some unique pets for renters:

Tips for Pets in Rentals

Fish didn’t make our list here, because many landlords see large volumes of water a big hazard. Some, however, will allow small aquariums for a single goldfish, for example. The magic number seems to be that tanks that are 5 gallons or larger pose a threat. 

Depending on which pet you are planning to have as a roommate, you may want to consider talking with your landlord about any potential paperwork or deposits. Especially if the pet is a larger animal like a dog or cat. Typically, small lizards like geckos pose little threat to the real estate.

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