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Best Homeschool Programs

Best Homeschool Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many of us learn and work. Traditional in-person learning has been greatly affected by the pandemic. This has caused several individuals to reevaluate their options and consider homeschooling full time. If you’re considering transitioning to homeschooling, here are some of the best homeschooling programs to choose from.

Online Homeschool Programs

Online homeschooling can be a great replacement for traditional learning. There are several engaging and cost effective homeschooling options that can easily be accessed from a tablet, smartphone, or laptop. Here are some of the top online homeschool programs in 2021:

Overall, is a great homeschool option. is extremely customizable and allows you to fully enroll your student or pick and choose which subjects you want or need. also offers tuition-free online public schools, career prep, and other tuition-based offerings.’s tuition-free online public schools have many similarities to traditional brick-and-mortar schools. K12-powered online public schools are tuition-free and full time. They serve students in grades K-12, have state-certified teachers who provide instruction and support, provide education materials, follow a traditional school year,  adhere to state requirements for assessments, and award graduates with a high school diploma.

ABCMouse has more than 850 lessons across 10 levels. ABCMouse offers a step-by-step learning path for kids ages 2 to 8 and can be accessed on a tablet, smartphone, or computer. ABCMouse has lessons for all of the following subjects: Reading and Language Arts, Math, The World Around Us (Science & Social Studies), Arts & Colors.

ABCMouse is available for around $10 a month. While this is a very budget-friendly option for early learners, it is best used as a supplement to an existing homeschool program.


Time4Learning is a 100% fully online homeschool program. Time4Learning offers programs for all grades (PreK, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, Middle, High School) and covers all of the following subjects: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language. Time4Learning starts at around $20 per month for one child (add $15 a month for each additional child) for PreK-8 students and is around $30 a month for high school students.

Time4Learning claims to be flexible and student-paced, allowing students to login anywhere and anytime to complete lessons. Students are also allowed to repeat lessons as many times as they want.

Connections Academy

Connections Academy is a tuition-free online public school. Connections Academy differs from other homeschool programs because it is a full-fledged online school with live sessions with teachers and classmates. Connections Academy also offers online clubs and activities to allow kids to create relationships with their peers. Unfortunately, Connections Academy is not available in every state and usually requires attendance for live classes.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that offers free educational resources to students and teachers. Khan Academy has personalized learning for all ages and offers exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard. Khan Academy has curriculum for math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and much more. This program also offers standard or advanced placement courses (AP). Unlike some online homeschool programs, Khan Academy is not interactive and does not offer community or one-on-one attention. 

This is just a sample of the many online homeschool programs that are available. With some research, you will be able to find tons of other online K-12 homeschooling programs and several free online homeschool programs.

Independent Study

If you’re not sure you want to commit to homeschooling, independent study is a different kind of at-home learning that has gained popularity during the pandemic. 

Independent Study vs Homeschool

So, what is independent study, you ask? While you may be thinking that independent study is just a different term for homeschooling, it’s not. Those who choose to homeschool are 100% in charge of choosing, creating, and implementing the curriculum. Those who choose to participate in independent study follow the curriculum of the school, they just do so from home. The day-to-day timeframe of independent students is flexible, like with traditional homeschooling, but all assignments that are completed go back to teachers to be graded. 

If you are thinking you want to move to at-home learning but are unsure about taking on everything that homeschooling entails, then independent study could be a great option.

Regardless of what form of learning you choose, has you covered for all your textbooks and course material needs at savings up to 90%! Be sure to connect with us @ecampusdotcom on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook for more resources, tips, and some great giveaways!

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