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7 Mistakes in College You Need to Avoid This Semester

Since you’re a college student, you should know how to do this whole college thing by now, right? Actually, not so much… far too many students make the same mistakes year after year, wasting valuable time and money and setting themselves up for failure or at least a less-than-ideal experience. We’ve put together a list of 7 mistakes you need to avoid this semester if you want to be successful in college!

1. Scouting For Scholarships

One of the most important things college students can do is research scholarships. There are new scholarships popping up all the time, and it’s important to stay on top of the ones that may apply to you. A great way to do this is to set up Google Alerts for keywords like scholarships for college or new college scholarships. You can even set up alerts relating to your specific major or background. That way, you’ll always be one of the first to know about new opportunities. Also, you can usually find scholarships available through your college’s website. Afterall, who doesn’t love free education or college textbooks?

2. Overpaying On Textbooks

A huge mistake some college students make is overpaying on textbooks. College textbook prices have been rising for years, and students are the ones who are footing the bill. At the beginning of each semester, the bookstore is always packed with students buying textbooks at full price. But, there are a few ways to avoid overpaying on them. One way is to buy your textbooks online at a reputable store—like! You can often find the same new and used textbooks for a fraction of the price than a traditional bookstore.

3. Skipping Class

College students should make it a priority to never skip class. Doing so is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Having the freedom to skip class is convenient, but even missing just one day can put you behind, and make it difficult to catch up. Not only is it important to stay on top of your school material for the sake of your grades, but you’re paying for the education! Not to mention, making it to class will also give you the chance to form relationships with your professors.

4. Overusing Credit Cards

College is a time when you’re learning how to be independent and manage your own finances. Student costs can get expensive: federal loans, school supplies, classes, and textbooks. Your budgets get tight. Then, come credit cards. They are a lifesaver, and a great way to build your credit, as long as you follow the golden rule and maintain a balance below 30% of the card’s credit limit. However, things can quickly go downhill if they are overused. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and spend more money than you have. Use them in moderation, sparingly, and pay them off frequently.

5. Focusing On Your Major

A college major is a big decision. It will shape your future and career aspirations. So it’s important to always consider how your college major aligns with your life goals. Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision for your future: 

1. Do your research. There are many resources available to help you learn about different majors and their potential earnings. Be sure to consult with your family, friends, and advisors before making a decision. 

2. Consider your interests and strengths. Take time to think about what excites you or what has given you pleasure throughout your life. What do you find yourself doing when given free time? These may be clues as to what college major would be a good fit for you.

3. Figure out what matters most to you—your priorities. When considering college major, it’s important to understand why you want this particular major. Do you aspire for a career with high pay? Do you want to change the world? It might help talking to someone currently working in your field of study to see if their day-to-day tasks are actually something you find interesting.

6. Prioritizing Mental Health

College is a time of growth and exploration. But student mental health can be seriously tested. One of the most important college tips is to prioritize your mental health. It can be a very stressful time and if you don’t take care of yourself, it can be tough to succeed. Make sure to schedule in time for relaxation and fun activities outside of schoolwork. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling. There are many resources available on campus and online that can help you get through tough times.

7. Social Life – Friends in College

A college student’s social life is one of the most important aspects of the college experience. It’s a time to make new friends, try new things, and learn more about who you are. However, many students make the mistake of neglecting their social life in favor of academics or work. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. It can also make it difficult to adjust to college life after graduation. So this semester, make an effort to catch up with your friends regularly. Whether you meet up for coffee, have a movie night, or just stay in touch via text, keeping up with your friendships and building a social foundation will help you stay sane during, and after college.
Be sure to connect with us @ecampusdotcom on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, & Facebook for more resources, tips, and some great giveaways! And when it’s time for textbooks, has you covered for all your course material needs at savings up to 90%!

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