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10 Terrifying Things for College Students

This stuff is way scarier than Halloween’s ghosts and vampires:

    1. Public speaking: YIKES! Unless you have unyielding confidence, you probably get nervous speaking in public, even if you’re only speaking in front of a class of ten people.  Public speaking class is one of the more daunting college courses many college students take at some point in their undergrad career.
    2. That one professor: Everyone has that one professor they’re too terrified to talk to; even to ask questions in class. Sometimes these professors are just too smart, and sometimes they’re just mean.  Either way, you spend the entire class period avoiding eye contact and viciously taking notes, so you won’t have any questions.
    3. Going to the hall bathroom in the middle of the night: If you’ve ever lived in a dorm where you had to exit your room in order to enter the bathroom, you’ll understand this. Dorm hallways are creepy at night. And bathrooms are creepy at night.  Period. Combining the two? Absolutely terrifying. There could be a murderer in the shower or a kidnapper in the stall, and both options sound a lot worse when you’re half asleep.
    4. Sitting in the front of the class: Paranoia takes over when you’re at the front of the classroom because you feel eyes burning into your back the whole period. You can’t see behind you, but everyone else can see you.  What if your hair looks bad from the back?  What if your shirt is on backwards?  What if you look like you actually enjoy learning?
    5. Bad Roommates: Bad is a relative term that can be used to describe roommates who are smelly, messy, rude, or just plain annoying. Sometimes they use or take your stuff without permission, sometimes they don’t let you have alone time with your significant other, and sometimes they’re just downright unbearable.
    6. Phone going off in class: This is especially scary if it is your phone and during a test, but it can be scary in just a regular class. Each professor has a different cell phone policy, and you can easily forget to turn the sound off on your phone. In this technological age, it is common for students to have more than one potentially noisy device, yikes!
    7. Oversleeping for important exams/finals: This is absolutely horrifying. Sometimes entire semester grades depend on the final exam, and missing it can keep you from passing the class.  Some people set multiple alarms to ensure they wake up on time, and some people just don’t go to sleep the night before (not healthy, not recommended, you’ll actually do worse on the test).
    8. Group Projects: Group projects involve meeting new people, talking in class, relying on other people for likely a large percent of your class grade, letting other people do work that you will be graded on, and taking the risk that you will be stuck doing all or most of the work. If you get to work with your friends, these projects can be friendship ruining, or you will just goof off and procrastinate so badly that you’ll be up all night the night before.
    9. Signing up for classes: Signing up for classes is stressful because everyone has to get the classes they need or want. Coming from a small college, where the class options are limited, this is especially nerve-wracking. You often have to take a class at a specific time in your career to be guaranteed a spot in it.  Sometimes this affects graduation, especially if you have to rely on an advisor to give you permission to register online.  This is probably the third most stressful time of the semester, only behind midterms and finals.
    10. 10+ page papers: Even English majors hate these things! It’s hard for anyone to come up with 10+ pages of completely new, original, and accurate information, and it’s even harder when you have to write about a topic you don’t care about AT ALL – which happens way too often.  Many people procrastinate these assignments because they aren’t sure how to begin or because the idea of the 10+ pages is too daunting.


  1. Comment your scariest college or Halloween experiences!
  2. Check out my Halloween board on Pinterest!
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