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10 Spring Break Staycation Ideas

10 Spring Break Staycation Ideas

Spring break doesn’t have to be spent at the beach or an exotic location far from home. Even if you can’t afford a weeklong vacation, it’s still possible to have a really good spring break. You can be active and have fun with your friends and family no matter where you are! Here’s a list of 10 ideas to help you make the most of your spring break staycation. 

1. Organize a Game Night

A staycation is a perfect opportunity to organize a game night with friends. Set up two teams and play board games, video games, or head outside and play frisbee or kickball. Organizing a game night is an awesome way to spend time with friends and family. There are so many fun games that can be played both inside and outside, regardless of age or skill level.

Try your hand at playing games like lawn darts, badminton, cornhole, giant Jenga, or just about any other game that uses props! If you’d rather stay inside, games like Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Cards Against Humanity, or even Charades are a great way to make the most of a staycation.

2. Organize a Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is an easy way to keep your spring break staycation ideas fresh. Grab a group of friends and divide up into teams of two or more, and create a list of items that can be found around your home or area. Use your phone to snap pictures of each other in front of landmarks and signposts. Make it fun by offering rewards for success! Just make sure to stick to local landmarks so you don’t risk getting lost.

3. Activities for Kids

If you or someone you know has kids, here are some ideas to help keep them entertained on a staycation:

  1. Build a blanket fort
  2. Get outside and spend a day playing with sidewalk chalk and blowing bubbles
  3. Bake cookies (and let them lick the leftover dough off of the spoon)
  4. Tell silly ghost stories by candlelight
  5. Set up obstacle courses in your living room or have a scavenger hunt through your home

A staycation is a great time to try out new things that you might not have time to do if you’re spending all day at work or school – remember, it’s spring break!

4. Get Outside For Some Fresh Air

Spring break usually means that the weather is finally starting to get nicer! Make the most of the spring weather and take up an outdoor activity. Find a local hiking or walking trail, go on a bike ride, or go to a park and simply sit and enjoy the fresh air. It can be tempting to want to lounge around the house and not do anything on a long vacation, but it’s important to get plenty of fresh air and physical activity over spring break!

5. Take a Day Trip – Discover New Places in Your City

If you’re planning to spend your entire spring break at home, set aside one day as an adventure outside of your usual routine. Schedule in time to visit places that are new to you or out of your normal routines—perhaps even with new people! Plan a fun family activity exploring where you live. Visit an art museum, children’s museum, or nature center. 

6. Enjoy a Movie Night

Spring break is often associated with college students, spring breakers, and fun getaways, but staying home can be just as much fun. Invite your friends over for dinner and a movie marathon. Have each person bring over their movie of choice and their favorite movie theater snack to share.

7. Go Camping

If you have access to a campground nearby, camping out during spring break is an awesome way to have fun, stay close to home and get some fresh air. Plus, it can be a great way to get out of the house without spending too much money.

8. Plan Something to Look Forward to This Summer

As they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy—and you don’t want to be dull. Make sure you give yourself something to look forward to: Maybe you have tickets to a music festival or baseball game, or maybe you’re heading out on your dream vacation—the thought of it will help get you through some tough times at work or school. Get excited about where your time off is going to take you!

9. Cook Fun Meals at Home

A spring break staycation is all about making your time at home feel as special as you can. A great way to do that is by cooking fun meals at home that you might not normally have the time to do. Have a homemade pizza night or try your hand at homemade pasta! The possibilities of what you can cook at home are endless. Head to your local grocery store and pick out some fun ingredients that will make cooking at home an enjoyable experience.

10. Relax at Home

It can be tempting to want to pack your spring break full of things to do in order to make the most of it but don’t forget to take some time for yourself too. Spend some time relaxing at home, read a book or catch up on your favorite TV show. Self-care is important, so take some time during your staycation to do what you know will help you feel relaxed.

Regardless of your vacation plans, you can still make the most of your spring break even if you’re not going anywhere. 

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